How do I get Yuki in Ghostbusters World?

Yuki (Ghostbusters World)

Yuki is ghost #151 in Ghostbusters World. She was added for the 2018 Christmas event. She’s a water type ghost.

But there’s just one problem:

Yuki is too hard to find, and there’s not a clear explanation of the steps that we must take to get her.

Ways people have reported finding Yuki:

  • In a park, by a dimensional door near water
  • In a parking lot, by a dimensional door in a residential area
  • In an Ecto-Sphere (1-5 stars)

When you’re looking for Yuki, check for nearby ghosts around dimensional doors. You may find Yuki in the list. If you do, start catching any visible ghosts as fast as possible. If you get through the list, you’ll see Yuke appear.

Developers should explain, in detail, the steps that we must take to try and find Yuki (and any other event introduced ghosts). People have a lot of wild guesses, but nothing concrete has been figured out.

We would also like to know if Yuki will still be catchable after the event is over. We would love to see more communication from the developers as to how to catch special ghosts, and we would love to see special ghosts treated more like they are in Pokemon Go (if there are special Pokemon, they are available all over the place).

Please also keep us posted as to the length of the event.

Full disclosure: I don’t have a Yuki, and I’ve been looking for her every day since the event started. I feel like I have done enough to have found her about 5 times over. I guess I don’t understand exactly how to use Dimensional Doors to get more ghosts to appear, etc.

Update: On January 29, 2019, I opened an Ecto-Sphere, and a B grade Yuki appeared. Finally!

What else would you like to see, regarding event launched ghosts?


  1. Taunts. Shock stun posses, these things I want to learn about. Vigo taunts ethanekane sounds like his counter but doesn’t work and why not

    • Good questions. Would probably be valuable to have a page that lists abilities and the ghosts that have them.

  2. I have tried blasting and capturing any water element ghost but still no sight of Yuki.
    I also went to Parks which have tons of dimension doors and spend several hours walking round and round. Sadly it didn’t surface in ghost tracker.
    Not until 2 days ago, I went to the beach which I have been several times to search for Yuki, I manage to saw her. But me being an idiot, I blast her until I destabilise her for having too over excited.
    I hope that Yuki still continue to spawn even after the event. If not I have to wait another 12 months for Christmas event.

    Just to share, Yuki need 5 spirit shards to form her.

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