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Terrorizing Possession – Whereas other ghastly ghosties can control objects of the living world and make their human hosts wriggle about like gelatin, the Possessor employs Terrorizing Possession to achieve complete subjugation of the living. Scared civilians will be rendered your meat puppet servants, mindlessly sabotaging the Ghostbusters’ equipment at your whim. Or better yet, take control of the Ghostbusters themselves! Even the strongest-willed are no match for the Possessor’s formidable abilities. Use your remaining P.K.E. to overheat the Busters’ proton packs, ditch their traps, and befuddle their gadgets and “doodads!” Oh, the scandal! I can’t imagine it will be very fun for them, so be mindful of less incompetent Ghostbusters that may be able to break free of your possession sooner than you’d like.


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