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Ghostbusters: Afterlife ScARe coming soon from Imprezario Entertainment

Ghostbusters: Afterlife ScARe

A new AR game set in the Ghostbusters world is releasing very soon. Ghostbusters: Afterlife ScARe releases on November 19th on both iOS and Android. The game was developed by Imprezario Entertainment.

The description of the game here:

Ghostbusters: Afterlife ScARe sets you in the Jason Reitman film seeking to defend your surroundings amid an oncoming apocalypse. Character interactions relay hidden clues to acquire unlicensed nuclear equipment to battle the supernatural. Banding together with newfound friends, you wage a high-tech battle against evil to overcome a town’s hidden past and save the day.

The experience immerses you in the Ghostbusters universe. You must duck and dodge incoming paranormal attacks, or else find yourself wiping your phone’s view of ectoplasmic residue. You must solve puzzles to collect and earn nuclear energy cells to power your ghostbusting equipment, or else suffer shocking consequences.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife ScARe is a portal to another dimension. Challenge and fun awaits you.

Is this the return of Ghostbusters World that we’ve been hoping for? It doesn’t look like it. At least not yet. I’m looking forward to playing this game and getting a bit of that gameplay again. I’ve missed it. I’m hopeful that this game isn’t a one-shot tie-in game that you play for 15 or 20 minutes and complete the whole thing, but we’ll see. Can’t wait to give it a try. I’ll be reporting on all of my findings here, as well as creating a section for this game as soon as I can.

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